
Palliative Care

Palliative medicine focuses on the management of pain and relief of other symptoms experienced in serious illness.  The aim is to improve quality of life by increasing comfort, promoting dignity and providing a support system to the patient and those close to them.

Palliative care at CCL

At Cancer Centre London, Professor Paddy Stone provides palliative medicine services designed to help patients minimise pain, as well as other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, occurring due to the progression of cancer.

Professor Stone works closely with the providers of other support services at CCL, including physiotherapy, complementary therapies, chronic pain and psychological support services, to provide psychological and physical support to cancer patients and their families, aimed at optimising their quality of life.

In order to provide comprehensive care that extends to all aspects of the patient’s life, the palliative medicine service at CCL seeks to work with other providers of palliative care, including local hospice services and community palliative care services.


Get in touch

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment with one of our specialists, complete this form online or call 020 8247 3351.

Palliative Care Consultants


Cancer Centre London

Parkside Hospital

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