
Haemato-Oncology Nurse Specialist

The Haemato-Oncology Unit at CCL is a well-established clinical practice comprising of a multidisciplinary team of medical experts providing treatment, including bone marrow transplantation, for myeloma, leukaemia and other haematological disorders.

Our Lead Nurse works alongside Lead Haemato-Oncology Consultant Prof Ray Powles and other members of the multidisciplinary team to ensure the highest quality of care to patients undergoing treatment for these conditions.

The role of the Lead Nurse includes:

  • Attending clinics
  • Providing information, support and an on-call service for patients & families
  • Coordinating and assisting in the diagnostic monitoring and treatment pathway for patients
  • Coordinating the Autologous Stem Cell Transplant pathway
  • Ensuring all policies and practice guidelines are in line with the current and evidence based guidelines

Our Lead Nurse also attends regular educational sessions and meetings to ensure safe practice and high quality care is provided at CCL in line with the latest Haemato-Oncology practice. She also ensures information databases used for Transplant Practice, and clinical reference, audit and research are maintained.

Support Services

The Haemato-Oncology Unit is just one of a number of support services we offer at CCL to cater to the physical and emotional needs of our patients.

You can find the full range of our support services here. We promise to be with you every step of the way.

Book now

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, please contact Linda Little, RGN BA (Hons) MA on 020 8247 3440 or by email


Cancer Centre London

Parkside Hospital