
Groups and Support

Please note: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we have postponed our support groups for the remainder of 2020. Dates for sessions in 2021 will be announced in due course – check this page again soon. 

If you are currently undergoing treatment for cancer, or care about someone who is, you might be feeling isolated and alone, as well as confused about treatment, or anxious about the future. At CCL we recognise that these feelings can be very overwhelming, and our years of treating cancer patients have taught us that most people find it easier to cope with a little additional support.

With this in mind, we have organised several ‘support group’ type meetings for patients and their loved ones, so that you have a space to talk and listen to other people in similar situations to yourself. These groups include:

Patient Information Group

Our Patient Information Group meets once a month and is an open forum for patients, their families and friends. It is an opportunity to meet others, to be updated on current topics and to have an informal chat. Lectures by guest speakers are also available followed by a question and answer session. These lectures cover specific topics as varied as diet and cancer, managing the emotional impact of cancer and combating fatigue through exercise.

Meetings for Patients

Follow-up meetings have been established which enable patients who have completed their radiotherapy or chemotherapy treatment to maintain links with the Centre. It is an opportunity to meet others and keep up to date with information in a supportive manner. Contact with these patients is maintained by regular phone calls.

We also ensure that daily visits are made to the patients in the chemotherapy suite undergoing intra-venous treatment, and that their information needs are addressed immediately.

Meeting for Relatives and Friends

Every two months a meeting is held specifically for relatives and friends of cancer patients in order to give information and support in a confidential environment. If someone you love is undergoing cancer treatment, you may find yourself in the difficult position of having to be strong for them, while perhaps feeling overwhelmed yourself. These meetings at CCL are designed to allow you to talk about how you feel in a safe environment with lots of information and support on hand.

Support Services

These groups are just one of a number of support services we offer at CCL to cater to the physical and emotional needs of our patients.

You can find the full range of our support services here. We promise to be with you every step of the way.

Book now

For more information on the Groups and Support offered at CCL call 020 8247 3351.


Cancer Centre London

Parkside Hospital

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